
ShikshaCoach has tried it's best to confirm the accuracy and sustainability of the information provided on its website/app. There is no kind of warranty on the provided information. ShikshaCoach does not take responsibility or accept any kind of liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information provided on this website.

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This website/app introduces links to other websites governed by third parties. We don't have any control over the content of such third parties, and we cannot and will not be liable for the information or content thereon. Links to such third-party sites are not to be taken as an adherence by ShikshaCoach of the third-party site, or any products advertised, offered or sold on the third-party site, nor that such sites are free from computer viruses or anything else that has to hamper properties. We cannot and are not responsible for the collection or use of personal data from any third-party site. In addition, we shall not answer for the accuracy of third party advertisements.

ShikshaCoach and Its logo are well-registered trademarks. 

The content on our website/app has been compiled with appropriate care and attention. We don't guarantee for updated and hundred percent correct content provided through our website. We are not bound to control third party information shared or stored or to search for circumstances indicating offensive activity. This does not partialize any duty under general legislation to diminish or block the use of information. No responsibility can be accepted in this regard, however, until such time as we are updated on a specific breach of the law. If any such breach of law should become known, we will remove the content at the earliest.

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If anyone knows about this, then inform shikshaCoach at info@shikshacoach.com. We will take action against him and block or remove permanently it on our website/app.